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UO Protocol 0x3A

Skills (Variable # of bytes)

This is sent by the server to display and update skills, the client sends this packet to alter skill locks. Send Skills (Server, variable # of bytes)

Offset Type     Name             Description
------ -------- ---------------- ------------------------------
 0000  BYTE     cmd
 0001  USHORT   blockSize
 0003  BYTE     type
       for (46 skills) 
   00  USHORT   skillId           1-based skill number
   02  USHORT   value
   04  USHORT   basevalue         value for "show real"
   06  BYTE     status            0=up, 1=down, 2=locked
   07  USHORT   maxvalue          skill cap (only if specified in type)


  0x00 - Basic
  0x01 - God View
  0x02 - Basic + Skill Cap
  0x03 - God View + Skill Cap
  0xDF - Skill Update + Skill Cap
  0xFF - Skill Update 

Note: Can also send just one skill, to update that skill (type=0xFF).

Set Skill Lock (Client, 6 bytes)

Offset Type     Name             Description
------ -------- ---------------- ------------------------------
 0000  BYTE     cmd
 0001  USHORT   blockSize
 0003  USHORT   skillId
 0005  BYTE     status           0=up, 1=down, 2=locked
uo_protocol_0x3a.txt · Last modified: 2014/05/19 08:41 by thooge