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UO Protocol 0x23

Drag Item (26 bytes)

This is sent by the server to display an item being dragged from one place to another.

Offset Type     Name             Description
------ -------- ---------------- ------------------------------
 0000  BYTE     cmd
 0001  USHORT   modelID          Artwort
 0003  BYTE[3]  unknown1         0x000000
 0006  USHORT   amount
 0008  UINT     srcContainer     0xFFFFFFFF for the ground
 0012  USHORT   srcX
 0014  USHORT   srcY
 0016  SBYTE    srcZ
 0017  UINT     dstContainer     0xFFFFFFFF for the ground
 0021  USHORT   dstX
 0023  USHORT   dstY
 0025  SBYTE    dstZ


  This does not actually move the item, it just displays an animation 
uo_protocol_0x23.txt · Last modified: 2014/04/20 08:36 by thooge