Wolfpack Wiki

Welcome to the new Wolfpack Wiki: this pages are starting as a copy of the wiki at berlios which closed in May 2014 (see http://developer.berlios.de/projects/wolfpack). You found the old wiki at: http://wolfpack.berlios.de/index.php/Main_Page. If you want to help editing and improving this documentation, please register here. Write access without registration and validation is not possible because of spammers :-(


Please use any of the following methods to contact us if you need help with Wolfpack.

Wolfpack is an Ultima Online™ server software.

There also exists an Wolfpack Client (very early state).

Wolfpack is open source, free software licensed under the GNU General Public License. The main focus in upcoming development will be on creating free software, poprietary environments will have low priority, if any.

Current goals:

Wolfpack's Mission