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UO Protocol 0x74

Open Buy Window (Variable # of bytes)

This is used to send shop inventory information to the client.

Offset Type     Name             Description
------ -------- ---------------- ------------------------------
 0000  BYTE     cmd
 0001  USHORT   blockSize
 0003  UINT     vendorID
 0007  BYTE     numItems
       UINT     price
       BYTE     length           length of text description
       CHAR[]   name             item description

Note: This packet is always preceded by a describe contents packet (0x3c) with the container id as the (vendorID | 0x40000000) and then an open container packet (0x24?) with the vendorID only and a model number of 0x0030 (probably the model number for the buy screen)

uo_protocol_0x74.1400482944.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/05/19 09:02 by thooge