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UO Protocol 0x1C

Send Text (Variable # of bytes)

This is sent by the server to display character names, system messages, object messages, etc.

Offset Type     Name             Description
------ -------- ---------------- ------------------------------
 0000  BYTE     cmd
 0001  USHORT   blockSize
 0003  UINT     itemID           (0xFFFFFFFF = system message)
 0007  USHORT   model            (0xFFFF = system message)
 0009  BYTE     Type
 0010  USHORT   Hue
 0012  USHORT   Font
 0014  BYTE[30] Name
 0044  BYTE[]   Message          Terminator for message (0x00)


  0x00 - Normal
  0x01 - Broadcast
  0x02 - Emote
  0x06 - System
  0x07 - Message
  0x08 - Whisper
  0x09 - Yell 
uo_protocol_0x1c.txt · Last modified: 2014/04/10 13:34 by thooge