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UO Protocol 0x11

Stat window info (variable # of bytes)

Message sent by the server containing information about various character stats that are displayed in the Status window.

Offset Type     Name             Description
------ -------- ---------------- ------------------------------
 0000  BYTE     cmd
 0001  USHORT   size             packet length (varies)
 0003  UINT     player id
 0007  CHAR[30] playerName
 0037  USHORT   currentHitpoints
 0039  USHORT   maxHitpoints
 0041  BOOL     flagName         flag (0xFF = allowed, 0 = not allowed)
 0042  BYTE     flagDisplay      see below
       if (flagDisplay >= 0x01) {
 0043  BYTE     gender           0=male, 1=female
 0044  USHORT   str
 0046  USHORT   dex
 0048  USHORT   int
 0050  USHORT   currentStamina
 0052  USHORT   maxStamina
 0054  USHORT   currentMana
 0056  USHORT   maxMana
 0058  UINT     gold
 0062  USHORT   resistPhysical   former armor class AC
 0064  USHORT   weight
       if (flagDisplay >= 0x05) {
 0066  USHORT   maxWeight
 0068  BYTE     race
       if (flagDisplay >= 0x02) {
 0069  USHORT   StatCap          character's total allowable sum of (str + dex + int)
       if (flagDisplay >= 0x03) {
 0071  BYTE     currentFollowers The number of "Follower Slots" that are currently being used.
 0072  BYTE     maximumFollowers The maximum number of "Follower Slots" the character has available.
       if (flagDisplay >= 0x04) {
 0073  USHORT   resistFire       The character's resistance to fire.
 0075  USHORT   resistCold       The character's resistance to cold.
 0077  USHORT   resistPoison     The character's resistance to poison.
 0079  USHORT   resistEnergy     The character's resistance to energy.
 0083  USHORT   luck             The character's Luck value.
 0085  USHORT   minDamage        The minimum amount of damage the character can deal.
 0087  USHORT   maxDamage        The maximum amount of damage the character can deal.
 0089  UINT     TithingPoints    The character's current amount of Tithing points.

Flag Display:

  0x00 - Minimal
  0x01 - Normal
  0x02 - Display Stat Cap
  0x03 - Display Stat Cap and Followers.
  0x04 - Display Stat Cap, Followers, and Resistances
  0x05 - Display Stat Cap, Followers, and Resistances, and Max Weight 


  For characters other than the player, currentHitpoints and maxHitpoints are not the actual values.
  MaxHitpoints is a fixed value, and currentHitpoints works like a percentage. 
uo_protocol_0x11.txt · Last modified: 2014/04/10 13:29 by thooge