Table of Contents

UO Protocol 0xBF

Gereric Command (5 bytes, plus specific message)

Offset Type     Name             Description
------ -------- ---------------- ------------------------------
 0000  BYTE     cmd
 0001  USHORT   length
 0003  USHORT   subcommand
 0005  BYTE[]   submessage


Server Message. This sets up stack on the client and whenever it moves, it takes the top value from this stack and uses it. (key1 start at the top, key6 at the botton).

Subcommand 1 - Initialize Fast Walk Prevention

24 bytes (for 29 total)

BYTE[4] key1
BYTE[4] key2
BYTE[4] key3
BYTE[4] key4
BYTE[4] key5
BYTE[4] key6

Subcommand 2 - Add key to Fast Walk Stack

4 bytes (for 9 total)

Server message. This key is added to the top of the stack. In other words, it's the one that will be used next. Basically, the other 5 only get used when the client is sending moves faster than the server is responding.

BYTE[4] newkey

Subcommand 5 - Unknown

8 bytes (for 13 total)

Client Message.

BYTE[4] unknown (00 00 03 20)
BYTE[4] unknown (00 00 00 05)

Subcommand 6 - Party System

YES! Subsubcommands

Party system is implemented as subsubcommands.

BYTE subsubcommand #

Subsubcommand 1 - Add a party member

(4 bytes)

Client Message.

BYTE[4] id (if 0, a targeting cursor appears)

Add party member(s) (1+ numMembers*4)

BYTE numMembers (total number of members in the party)
Then, for each member in numMembers:
        BYTE[4] id