UO Protocol 0xAE

Unicode Speech message(Variable # of bytes)

This is sent to tell the client that someone is talking.

Offset Type     Name             Description
------ -------- ---------------- ------------------------------
 0000  BYTE     cmd
 0001  USHORT   size
 0003  UINT     serial           The serial of the character that is talking. 0xFFFFFFFF is used for system
 0007  UINT     body             The body number of the character that is talking. 0xFFFF is used for system.
 0011  BYTE     mode             the speech mode
 0012  USHORT   hue              the hue of the message
 0014  USHORT   font             the font number
 0016  CHAR[4]  language         the client's language preference
 0020  CHAR[30] name             the name of the character that is talking
 0050  UNI[]    text             the message to send in unicode (0x0000 terminated)

The speech mode