UO Protocol 0xAB

Gump Text Entry Dialog (Variable # of bytes)

This is used to elicit a string or numerical response from the client.

Offset Type     Name             Description
------ -------- ---------------- ------------------------------
 0000  BYTE     cmd
 0001  USHORT   size
 0003  UINT     serial           The query serial 
 0007  BYTE     parent_id
 0008  BYTE     button_id 
 0009  USHORT   length1          The length of the text that follows
 0011  CHAR[]   text1            Text to appear at the top of the gump
       BOOL     cancel           If true, the client is able to cancel the query
       BYTE     type             The type of query: 0x01 - String; 0x02 - Number
       UINT     max              If Type is String, this is the maximum length of the reply.
                                 If Type is Number, this is the maximum number that can be entered. 
       USHORT   length2          The length of the text that follows.
       CHAR[]   text2            Text to appear above the entry box