UO Protocol 0x9E

Sell List (Variable # of bytes)

This is sent to display the player's shop inventory when selling to a vendor.

Offset Type     Name             Description
------ -------- ---------------- ------------------------------
 0000  BYTE     cmd
 0001  USHORT   size             The size of the packet
 0003  UINT     vendor           The serial of the vendor
 0004  USHORT   numitems         The number of items in the list
For each item, a structure containing:
 0000  UINT     serial           The item's serial
 0004  USHORT   artwork          The item's artwork number
 0006  USHORT   hue              The item's hue
 0008  USHORT   amount           The amount of the item available
 0010  UINT     price            The price of the item
 0014  BYTE     length           The length of the item's name
 0015  CHAR[]   name             The name of the item