UO Protocol 0x20

Teleport Player (19 bytes)

This is sent by the server to teleport the player. This packet should only be used with the player that it is sent to.

Offset Type     Name             Description
------ -------- ---------------- ------------------------------
 0000  BYTE     cmd
 0001  UINT     serial           Player id
 0005  USHORT   bodyType
 0007  BYTE     unknown1         (0x00)
 0008  USHORT   skinColor        hue
 0010  BYTE     status           Player status
 0011  USHORT   xLoc
 0013  USHORT   yLoc
 0015  BYTE[2]  unknown2         (0x0000)
 0017  BYTE     direction
 0018  SBYTE    zLoc

Status (bitmapped):

  Normal = 0x00
  Unknown1 = 0x01
  CanAlterPaperdoll = 0x02
  Poisoned = 0x04
  GoldenHealth = 0x08
  Unknown2 = 0x10
  Unknown3 = 0x20
  WarMode = 0x40
  Hidden = 0x80