====== UO Protocol 0x02 ====== ===== Move Request (7 bytes) ===== This packet is sent by the client when the player tries to walk, run, or change his direction. Offset Type Name Description ------ -------- ---------------- ------------------------------ 0000 BYTE cmd 0001 BYTE direction 0002 BYTE sequence 0003 UINT key fastwalk prevention key **Notes:** * The sequence number starts at 0, is reseted when it reaches 255. However, when it's reseted, the next sequence number is 1, not 0. * The fastwalk prevention key is a number sent by the server into the MOVE ACK, telling the client the next key to be used. This is used to prevent exploits where client sends "MOVE" message without waitting for the MOVE ACK from the server. [[UO_Protocol]]