====== Wolfpack Feature List ====== This is an incomplete list of completed, uncompleted, deprecated, and rejected features in Wolfpack. Please help with the maintainance of this list by adding new pages for the features listed below, or adding new features to this list where appropriate. The hope is this list can be a useful resource for understanding not only what Wolfpack is, but what it was and what it will become (or not become) in the future. ====== Administration ====== ===== Configuration ===== * [[Command|Line Switches]] * [[wolfpack.xml]] * [[Config.ini]] * [[Categories.db]] * [[Definition|Files]] * [[Data|Files]] * [[Python|Scripts]] ===== Account Management ===== * [[accounts.db]] * [[Default|account]] * [[Admin|account]] ===== World Saves ===== * [[SQLite|saves]] * [[world.db]] * [[MySql|saves]] * [[Binary|saves]] * [[Binary|save versioning]] * [[Binary|save backups]] ===== World Setup ===== * [[Decoration|command]] * [[Import|command]] * [[Export|command]] ====== Base Features ====== * [[Logfile]] * [[Map|support]] * [[Anti|speed hack]] * [[Python|engine]] * [[Console|commands]] * [[Windows|console]] * [[Unix|console]] * [[Skillgain]] * [[Custom|gumps]] * [[Secure|trading]] ====== Characters ====== ===== Notoriety ===== * [[Character|fame]] * [[Character|karma]] ===== Titles ===== * [[Trade|titles]] * [[Nobility|titles]] * [[Guild|titles]] * [[Slayer|titles]] ===== Barding ===== * [[Musicianship|skill]] * [[Provokation|skill]] * [[Discordance|skill]] * [[Peacemaking|skill]] * [[MusicalInstruments]] ===== Combat ===== * [[Blocking|with shields]] * [[Blocking|with weapons]] * [[Auto|defend]] ==== Combat Skills ==== * [[Tactics|skill]] * [[Wrestling|skill]] * [[Swordsmanship|skill]] * [[Macefighting|skill]] * [[Fencing|skill]] * [[Archery|skill]] * [[Anatomy|skill]] * [[Lumberjacking|skill]] * [[Healing|skill]] ==== AoS Combat ==== * [[AoS|special moves]] * [[Chivalry|skill]] ==== SE Combat ==== * [[Ninja|class]] * [[Samuri|class]] ===== Crafting ===== * [[Alchemist|features]] * [[Standard|alchemy]] * [[Glassblowing]] * [[Blacksmith|features]] * [[Standard|blacksmithy]] * [[Blacksmith|bulk order deeds]] * [[Item|enhancement]] * [[Runic|hammers]] * [[Ancient|smithy hammers]] * [[Repair|deeds]] * [[Carpenter|features]] * [[Standard|carpentry]] * [[Stonecrafting]] * [[Container|traps]] * [[Lockable|containers]] * [[Musical|instruments]] * [[House|addons]] * [[Potionkegs]] * [[Scribe|features]] * [[Standard|Inscription]] * [[Copying|books]] * [[Spell|scrolls]] * [[Runebooks]] * [[Tailor|features]] * [[Standard|Tailoring]] * [[Tailor|bulk order deeds]] * [[Tinker|features]] * [[Standard|tinkering]] * [[Copying|keys]] * [[Making|golems]] * [[Making|locks]] ===== Harvesting ===== * [[Mining|skill]] * [[Standard|mining]] * [[Collecting|sand]] * [[Ore|elementals]] * [[Gargoyle|pickaxe]] * [[Lumberjacking|skill]] * [[Fishing|skill]] * [[Standard|fishing]] * [[Sea|serpents]] * [[Fishing|nets]] * [[Watersoaked|sos]] * [[Fishing|for krakens]] * [[Hunting|for hides]] * [[Reagent|spawns]] * [[Farm|spawns]] * [[Artifact|items]] * [[Rare|items]] ===== Magery ===== * [[Magery|spells]] * [[Circle|one]] * [[Circle|two]] * [[Circle|three]] * [[Circle|four]] * [[Circle|five]] * [[Circle|six]] * [[Circle|seven]] * [[Circle|eight]] * [[Necromancy|spells]] * [[Meditation|skill]] * [[Evaluating|intelligence skill]] * [[Inscription|skill]] * [[Poisoning|skill]] ===== Rogue ===== * [[Stealing|skill]] * [[Snooping|skill]] * [[Removetraps|skill]] * [[Hiding|skill]] * [[Stealthing|skill]] * [[Lockpicking|skill]] ===== Ranger ===== * [[Tracking|skill]] * [[Detecting|hidden skill]] * [[Forensics|skill]] ===== Tamer ===== * [[Pet|ownership]] * [[Pet|commands]] * [[Pet|transfer]] * [[Animaltaming|skill]] * [[Animallore|skill]] * [[Veterinary|skill]] * [[Follower|count]] ===== Veteran Rewards ===== ====== GM Features ====== * [[GM|paging]] * [[Jailing|players]] * [[Account|flags]] * [[Staff|flag]] * [[Invulnerable|flag]] * [[Invisible|flag]] * [[ShowGm|flag]] ====== Items ====== * [[Hued|items]] * [[Material|bonues]] * [[Item|luck]] * [[Item|insurance]] ===== Armor ===== * [[Basic|clothing]] * [[Leather|armor]] * [[Studded|armor]] * [[Ringmail|armor]] * [[Chain|armor]] * [[Plate|armor]] * [[Magic|armor]] * [[Magic|jewelry]] ===== Clothing ===== * [[Arcane|clothing]] * [[Arcane|gems]] * [[Magic|cloaks]] * [[Magic|sashes]] * [[Magic|hats]] * [[Magic|robes]] * [[Magic|boots]] ===== Weapons ===== * [[Standard|weapons]] * [[Archery|weapons]] * [[Fencing|weapons]] * [[Macefighting|weapons]] * [[Swordsmanship|weapons]] * [[Wrestling|weapons]] * [[AoS|new weapons]] * [[SE|new weapons]] * [[Magic|weapons]] ===== Misc ===== * [[Bulletin|boards]] * [[Dungeon|traps]] * [[Training|addons]] * [[Trash|cans]] * [[Wall|clocks]] * [[Item|bless deeds]] * [[Clothing|bless deeds]] ===== Multis ===== * [[Standard|boats]] * [[Placing|boats]] * [[Boat|hold]] * [[Boat|key]] * [[Recall|using boat key]] * [[Boat|decay]] * [[Refreshing|boats]] * [[Standard|housing]] * [[House|vendors]] * [[House|owner]] * [[House|CoOwner]] * [[House|friends]] * [[House|bans]] * [[Detecting|hidden in house always works]] * [[House|placement]] * [[Item|lockdowns]] * [[Interior|decorator tool]] * [[House|placement tool]] * [[Public|housing]] * [[Private|housing]] * [[House|key]] * [[Renaming|house]] * [[Setting|house options]] * [[House|decay]] * [[Refreshing|houses]] * [[House|trading]] * [[Texas|law in felluca]] * [[Custom|housing]] ====== Npc Features ====== * [[Standard|npcs]] * [[Ridable|npcs]] * [[Hired|followers]] * [[Paragon|creatures]] * [[Gargoyle|npcs]] ===== Ai ===== * [[Npc|movement]] * [[Npc|pathfinding]] * [[Npc|combat]] * [[Npc|melee]] * [[Npc|magic]] * [[Npc|breath weapon]] * [[Npc|vendors]] * [[Npc|stablemasters]] * [[Npc|guildmasters]] * [[Npc|trainers]] * [[Npc|town criers]] * [[Npc|healers]] * [[Npc|pet combat]] * [[Npc|pet training]] ===== Loot / Treasure ===== * [[Loot|system]] * [[Power|scrolls]] ====== Player Groups ====== * [[Ingame|chat]] * [[Standard|parties]] ===== Guilds ===== * [[Standard|guilds]] * [[Order|guilds]] * [[Chaos|guilds]] * [[Guild|factions]] * [[Guild|wars]] * [[Guild|alliances]] ====== Quest Systems ====== * [[Rescue|missions]] * [[Escort|missions]] * [[Orc|spawns]] * [[Evil|Human npc spawns]] * [[Champion|spawns]] * [[Treasure|chests]] * [[Treasure|maps]] ====== Weather and Season ====== * [[Weather|System]] * [[Region|Tags]] * [[Seasons|System]] * [[Season|Affecting Weather]] ====== World Features ====== * [[World|regions]] * [[Guarded|regions]] * [[Spawn|regions]] * [[Region|weather]] * [[Region|lighting]] * [[Region|music]] * [[World|seasons]] * [[Felluca|ruleset]] * [[Trammel|ruleset]] ====== Appendix ====== * [[List|of skills]] * [[List|of Items]] * [[List|of Npcs]] * [[List|of commands]] * [[List|of python objects]] * [[List|of python scripts]] * [[List|of python events]] * [[List|of python library]] * [[List|of definition tags]]