====== Convert sqlite2 to sqlite3 format ====== Since version 12.9.14 (SVN revision 6568) Wolfpack changed it's default sqlite driver to Sqlite3. Among other changes, this has provided a huge performance gain over the old system. It now takes 1/3 of the time, or 300% faster to save a world with full inserts (which is the worst case scenario). Unfortunally this change requires a manual step to convert from the old format. First of, you will need 2 versions of the [[http://www.sqlite.org/sqlite.html|sqlite command line tool]]. One for an sqlite 2.x and another for 3.x. You can find them both at the [[http://www.sqlite.org/download.html|SQLite Download Page]]. Extract the files one at a time, renaming the "sqlite" executable, since the names clash. In this article I will refer to them as sqlite2 and sqlite3. Extract them to the same folder where your worldfiles or account files are, or somewhere in your PATH. Then, go into the command line (Windows users: Command Prompt, either type cmd in the Start -> Run or find it in Programs -> Accessories). Go to the folder where the wolfpack saves are located, ie (under windows): cd \wolfpack\server\release or under linux: cd /home/wolfpack/server/release Then to convert the worldfile run sqlite2 world.db .dump | sqlite3 world-new.db or to convert the accounts file sqlite2 accounts.db .dump | sqlite3 accounts-new.db Backup your old files (world.db and/or accounts.db) and rename the new ones. **Important:** If you are having problems, please check this follow up on sqlite3 versioning issues: [[http://www.wpdev.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=8060#8060|[1]]]